Synopsis : Hae-won (Seong-won Ji) is a woman on the edge: a series of incidents at work earn her a forced "vacation," but when she travels to a remote island from a childhood visit, at the urgent request of her friend Kim Bok-nam (Yeong-hie Seo), she has no idea what devils of the past are waiting. Moo-do Island is an unpleasant place to visit, and you definitely don't want to live there. Bok-nam is crumbling under a weight of violence, sexual menace, and fear--with no means of escaping her tormentors. The vengeful rage that waits inside her is growing, and her sanity shredding. If Hae-won can't help her escape, she may have to take matters into her own hands, once and for all.
Cast:Young-hee Seo, Sung-won Ji, Min-ho Hwang, Jie Eun Lee
Director:Cheol-soo Jang
Writers:Gwan-young Choi
Stars:Yeong-hie Seo, Seong-won Ji and Min-ho Hwang
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Man-taek Han .... executive producer
Jung Hyun .... executive producer
Seok-bin Jang .... co-producer
Harry H.W. Kim .... executive producer
Kuy-young Park .... producer
Music:Tae-seong Kim
Cinematography:Gi-tae Kim
Editor:Mi-Joo Kim
Production Status:In Production / Awaiting Release
Genres:Crime | Drama | Horror | Thriller
Release Date:August 31st, 2012
Run Time:1 hour 55 minutes
Filming Locations:Geumodo Island, South Korea
Production Co:Boston Investments, Filma Pictures, Tori Pictures
Distributors:Cinema Asia Releasing
Produced In:South Korea
Labels: 2012*, Bedevilled, Bedevilled 2012, Bedevilled movie download, download Bedevilled movie, HOLLYWOOD MOVIE DOWNLOAD, onlie movies, SBedevilled movie, watch movies, Watch online movies