Synopsis:LAWLESS is the true story of the infamous Bondurant Brothers: bootlegging siblings who made a run for the American Dream in Prohibition-era Virginia. In this epic gangster tale, inspired by true-life tales of author Matt Bondurant's family in his novel "The Wettest County in the World", the loyalty of three brothers is put to the test against the backdrop of the nation's most notorious crime wave.
Cast:Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Guy Pearce, Gary Oldman, Mia Wasikowska, Dane DeHaan
Director:John Hillcoat
Writers:Nick Cave, Matt Bondurant
Stars:Tom Hardy, Shia LaBeouf and Guy Pearce
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John Allen .... co-producer
Robert Ogden Barnum .... executive producer
Michael Benaroya .... producer
Jason Blum .... executive producer
Matthew Budman .... co-producer
Megan Ellison .... producer
Cassian Elwes .... executive producer
Lucy Fisher .... producer
Scott Hanson .... executive producer
John Brooks Klingenbeck .... executive producer
James Lejsek .... co-executive producer
Randy Manis .... executive producer
Laura Rister .... executive producer
Ben Sachs .... executive producer
Ted Schipper .... executive producer
Rachel Shane .... executive producer
Douglas Wick .... producer
Dany Wolf .... executive producer
Clayton Young .... co-producer
Music:Nick Cave
Warren Ellis
Cinematography:Benoît Delhomme
Editor:Dylan Tichenor
Also Known As:The Promised Land
The Wettest County
The Wettest County in the World
Production Status:In Production / Awaiting Release
Genres:Crime | Drama | Western
Release Date:29 August 2012
MPAA Rating:R (for strong bloody violence, language and some sexuality/nudity)
Run Time:1 hour 55 minutes
Filming Locations:Coweta County, Georgia, USA
Production Co:Annapurna Pictures, Benaroya Pictures, Blum Hanson Allen Films
Distributors:The Weinstein Company
Produced In:United States
Labels: 2011 movies, 2012 movies, 2012*, download Lawless movie, HOLLYWOOD MOVIE DOWNLOAD, Lawless, Lawless 2012, Lawless movie, movie, movies, onlie movies, watch movies, Watch online movies