Synopsis:Set against the backdrop of a little known saga in 1930s British-occupied India (now Bangladesh) - where a group of schoolboys and young women, led by a schoolteacher, Masterda Surya Sen (Manoj Bajpai) dared to take on the Empire. Chittagong is the story of a diffident 14 year old boy, Jhunku (Delzad Hiwale). Swept up into this seemingly impossible mission, the reluctant teenager battles with his own self-doubts to achieve an improbable triumph.
Cast : Manoj Bajpai,Barry John,Delzad Hiwale,Vega Tamotia,Nawazuddin Siddiqui,Raj Kumar Yadav,Jaideep Ahlawat,Dibyendu Bhattacharya,Vishal Vijay,Alexx O'Nell
Director:Bedabrata Pain
Writers:Bedabrata Pain,Shonali Bose
Stars:Manoj Bajpai, Barry John and Delzad Hiwale
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Sunil Bohra .... presentation producer
Shonali Bose .... co-producer
Shonali Bose .... executive producer
Suddhabrata Deb .... associate producer
Bhuvan Lall .... executive producer
Bedabrata Pain .... producer
Resul Pookutty .... executive producer
Honey Trehan .... associate producer
Original Music:Shankar Mahadevan
Loy Mendoza
Ehsaan Noorani
Johnny Wilson
Cinematography:Eric Zimmerman
Editor:Aldo Velasco
Genres:Action | Drama | War
Release date:October 12, 2012
Filming Locations:Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Banner / Distributor
Jonai Productions, Anurag Kashyap Films, Bohra Bros Ltd
Produced In:India
Labels: 2012*, BOLLYWOOD MOVIE DOWNLOAD, Chittagong, Chittagong 2012, Chittagong movie, Chittagong movie download, download Chittagong movie, onlie movies, watch movies, Watch online movies