Zero Dark Thirty
Synopsis:For a decade, an elite team of intelligence and military operatives, working in secret across the globe, devoted themselves to a single goal: to find and eliminate Osama bin Laden. Zero Dark Thirty reunites the Oscar(R) winning team of director-producer Kathryn Bigelow and writer-producer Mark Boal (The Hurt Locker) for the story of history's greatest manhunt for the world's most dangerous man.
Cast:Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Joel Edgerton, Mark Strong, Jennifer Ehle, Kyle Chandler, Edgar Ramirez
Director:Kathryn Bigelow
Writers:Mark Boa
Stars:Chris Pratt, Jessica Chastain and Joel Edgerton
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Kathryn Bigelow .... producer
Mark Boal .... producer
Megan Ellison .... producer
Tabrez Noorani .... line producer: India
Pravesh Sahni .... associate producer
Ted Schipper .... executive producer
Greg Shapiro .... executive producer
Colin Wilson .... executive producer
Music:Alexandre Desplat
Cinematography:Greig Fraser
Editors:William Goldenberg
Dylan Tichenor
Genre:Thriller, Action and Adventure, Drama
Release Date:19 December 2012
Filming Locations:Chandigarh, Punjab, India
Production Co:Annapurna Pictures
Distributors:Columbia Pictures
Labels: 2012*, download Zero Dark Thirty movie, HOLLYWOOD MOVIE DOWNLOAD, onlie movies, watch movies, Watch online movies, Zero Dark Thirty, Zero Dark Thirty 2012, Zero Dark Thirty movie