10 Years
Synopsis:In this ensemble comedy, 10 Years follows a group of friends on the night of their high school reunion who, a decade later, still haven't quite grown up. Channing Tatum plays Jake, who is deeply in love with his girlfriend (Jenna Dewan-Tatum) and ready to propose--until he runs into his high school flame (Rosario Dawson) for the first time in years. Jake's friend Cully (played by funnyman Chris Pratt) married his cheerleader girlfriend (Ari Graynor), and has been looking forward to the reunion so he can finally apologize to all the classmates he bullied in high school. However, after a few too many drinks, the jock-turned-family man ends up reverting back to his old ways instead. Meanwhile, longtime rivals Marty (Justin Long) and A.J (Max Minghella) spend the night picking up right where they left off, vying to impress the hottest girl in class (Lynn Collins). The famous one of the group, Reeves (Oscar Isaac) is now a rock star, but is still too shy to talk to his high school crush (Kate Mara.)
Cast:Lynn Collins, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Rosario Dawson, Brian Geraghty, Ari Graynor, Oscar Isaac, Ron Livingston, Justin Long, Anthony Mackie, Kate Mara, Max Minghella, Aubrey Plaza, Scott Porter, Chris Pratt, Channing Tatum
Director:Jamie Linden
Writer:Jamie Linden
Stars:Channing Tatum, Rosario Dawson and Chris Pratt
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Marty Bowen .... producer
Reid Carolin .... producer
Wyck Godfrey .... producer
Eric Gores .... executive producer
Louis Hagney .... associate producer
Adam C. Londy .... co-producer
D. Scott Lumpkin .... executive producer
Frank Mancuso Jr. .... executive producer
Channing Tatum .... producer
Music:Chad Fischer
Cinematography:Steven Fierberg
Editor:Jake Pushinsky
Production Status:In Production / Awaiting Release
Genres:Comedy | Drama | Romance
MPAA Rating:PG-13 (for language, alcohol abuse, some sexual material and drug use)
Release Date:14 September 2012
Run Time:100 minutes
Filming Locations:New Mexico, USA
Production Co:All Star Motion Picture Catering, Temple Hill Entertainment, EG Productions
Distributors:Anchor Bay Entertainment, Anchor Bay Films
Produced In:United States
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