Synopsis:Taciturn ex-con Francine (Melissa Leo) has difficulty adjusting to life in a small lakeside town when she begins working with animals, and finds herself growing increasingly isolated from the community. Unable to form the human connections that will help her to re-assimilate into society, Francine falls into a tragic cycle of anti-social behavior.
Cast:Melissa Leo, Keith Leonard, Victoria Charkut, Dave Clark, Michael Halstead
Director:Brian M. Cassidy, Melanie Shatzky
Writers:Melanie Shatzky, Brian M. Cassidy
Stars:Melissa Leo, Victoria Charkut and Dave Clark
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Joshua Blum .... producer
Mishka Brown .... line producer
Anna Gerb .... executive producer
Katie Stern .... producer
Cinematography:Brian M. Cassidy
Editor:Benjamin Gray
Production Status;In Production / Awaiting Release
Release Date:September 12th, 2012
Runtime:74 min
Production Co:Washington Square Films, Pigeon Projects
Distributors:Factory 25
Produced In:United States
Labels: 2012*, download Francine movie, Francine, Francine 2012, Francine full movie, Francine movie, Francine movie download, HOLLYWOOD MOVIE DOWNLOAD, onlie movies, watch movies, Watch online movies