Searching for Sonny
Synopsis : SEACHING FOR SONNY is a hilarious comedy that follows reunited friends Elliott (Dohring), Calvin (Kocher), Gary (McElhaney) and Eden (Kelly), who find themselves chief suspects in a murder mystery at their ten-year high school reunion. Ironically, the events surrounding the disappearance of their friend Sonny (Oka) are reminiscent of a high school play they once performed, coincidentally written by Sonny himself. Deception leads to scandal, and the truth surfaces as the friends learn that shady businessmen and school officials are involved in a complex scheme of money and murder.
Cast:Jason Dohring, Minka Kelly, Michael Hogan, Masi Oka
Director:Andrew Disney
Writer:Andrew Disney
Stars:Jason Dohring, Minka Kelly and Masi Oka
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Greg Beauchamp .... producer
Dennis Bishop .... consulting producer
Shawn Griffith .... line producer
Red Sanders .... producer
Music:Alice Wood
Cinematography:Jeffrey Waldron
Editor:Sam Parnell
Production Status:In Production / Awaiting Release
Genres:Comedy | Thriller
Release Date:August 28th, 2012
Run Time:1 hour 34 minutes
Filming Locations:Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Production Co:Red Productions, ATM Productions, Westbrook Media
Produced In:United States
Labels: 2012*, download Searching for Sonny movie, HOLLYWOOD MOVIE DOWNLOAD, Searching for Sonny, Searching for Sonny 2012, Searching for Sonny movie, watch movies